Endurance Test for the PowerPlex® 18E System
Does the kit keep what it promises?
Birgit Bayer, Katja Anslinger, Institute for Forensic Medicine, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich
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In forensic molecular biology, the preparation of individual skin flakes from adhesive tapes is considered one of the methods for finding the proverbial “needle in a haystack”. For this purpose, skin flakes are prepared from tapes under the microscope (Fig. 1) and individually submitted for DNA analysis [1]. This is a labour-intensive approach, but one that is often worth it, especially in cases in which routine sampling strategies and DNA extraction methods are not successful – namely finding the one flake of skin left by the perpetrator in a large amount of the victim’s cells. This is a method that we use very often when processing cold cases.
Figure 1: Skin flakes under the microscope (32-fold magnification)
Skin flakes are often of low DNA quality and quantity. Typically, profiles are obtained that show (at best) pronounced ski slope effects due to the degradation of the DNA. In most cases, however, alleles with a fragment length of more than 200–250 bp can no longer be detected or detected completely (Fig. 2). To be able to display as many of the 16 autosomal loci required for comparison with the German DNA database, a separate workflow was established using the PowerPlex® ESX 17 Fast and ESI 17 Fast Systems, a strategy that builds on the different marker sorting of the two kits. However, the critical point remains the SE33 locus, whose amplicons in both kits are quite large with a length of approx. 270–420 bp (PowerPlex® ESX 17 Fast System) or 310 to 470 bp (PowerPlex® ESI 17 Fast System) and therefore often the corresponding genotype cannot be detected completely or not at all.
In other words, skin flakes are the ideal material to explore the possibilities and limits of the new PowerPlex® 18E System. How does the kit compare to the PowerPlex® ESX 17 Fast and ESI 17 Fast Systems? In addition, what is the point of “the world’s shortest SE33 locus” with an allele range of 170 to 310 bp?
Figure 2: Typical PowerPlex® ESX 17 Fast System profile of a sample (skin flake) with poor DNA quality.
Establishing a comparable test setup
In our laboratory, DNA is routinely isolated from skin flakes using the ReadyAmp™ Genomic DNA Purification System (Promega, Madison, WI, USA). To create the STR profiles, amplifications are carried out using the PowerPlex® ESX 17 Fast and ESI 17 Fast Systems in a reduced PCR volume of 14 µl in a 32-cycle PCR (in-house validation for skin flakes and single cells) [2, 3]. Separation of amplicons according to fragment length is performed on a 3500xl Genetic Analyzer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). Data analysis was carried out using the GeneMapper® ID-X Software (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). According to the manufacturer’s information, the PCR setup of the PowerPlex® 18E, can be carried out in a 25 or 12,5 µl reaction volumes.
Since eight-colour chemistry cannot currently be measured on am ABI 3500xl Genetic Analyzer, fragment length determination was performed on a Spectrum Compact CE System (Promega, Madison, WI, USA) and data analysis was carried out using GeneMarker®HID V3.2.0 for Spectrum CE Systems software (SoftGenetics, State College, Pennsylvania, USA). In order to create comparable initial conditions for testing PowerPlex® 18E vs. PowerPlex® ESX/ESI 17 Fast Systems and ultimately “not comparing apples to oranges”, the following questions must be clarified in advance and appropriate validations must be carried out:
Do the two capillary electrophoresis devices show comparable sensitivity?
Validation: PowerPlex® ESX 17 Fast amplicons of a dilution series (500–12.5 pg DNA) as well as six replicates of samples containing 12.5 pg DNA were analysed on the ABI 3500xl (standard settings 1,2 kV und 24 sec) as well as on the Spectrum Compact CE System (measurement settings according to the manufacturer’s instructions 1,6 kV und 9 as well as with increased injection times of 15 and 25 seconds). The average peak heights and the number of dropouts per sample were determined (analytical threshold 100 rfu).
Result: To ensure comparable sensitivity of the two measuring systems, the injection time on the Spectrum Compact CE system must be increased to at least 15 seconds.
What impact does reducing the reaction volume from 25 to 14 µl have on the quality of the PowerPlex® 18E System results?
Validation: DNA dilution series (500–12.5 pg) were amplified using PowerPlex® 18E System in reaction volumes of 25 or 14 µl. The respective amplicons were measured with three different injection times (5, 15 and 25 seconds) on the Spectrum Compact CE system.
Result: Across all dilution levels, on average there are higher peaks when amplification was carried out in the smaller reaction volume of 14µl (Fig. 3). Moreover, with increasing DNA input (50, 25 and 12.5 pg DNA) fewer dropouts (or peaks below the analytical threshold of 100 rfu) can be observed (Fig. 4). Reduction in reaction volume therefore leads to improvement in profile quality. While increasing the injection time also leads to higher average peak heights across all dilution levels, the number of dropouts remains constant at dilution levels 25 and 12.5 pg with an injection time of 15 and 25 seconds, respectively. One explanation for this is that these are “real” dropouts, caused by stochastic effects, and not just peaks under 100 rfu that can be pulled above the analytical threshold by increasing the injection time. Because increasing injection time also favoured the origin of spikes, we decided on a injection time of 15 seconds.
Figure 3: Average peak height of the alleles of PowerPlex® ESX 17 Fast System profiles from a dilution series (500–12.5 pg total input of DNA). All samples were amplified in a reaction volume of 25 µl (25 RV) and 14 µl (RV14) respectively in a 30-cycle PCR and analyzed on a Spectrum Compact CE System with different injection times of 9, 15 and 25 seconds (I9, I15 and I25).
Figure 4: Average number of dropouts of the alleles of PowerPlex® ESX 17 Fast System profiles from a dilution series (500–12.5 pg total input of DNA in a 30-cycle PCR). All samples were amplified in a reaction volume of 25 µl (25 RV) and 14 µl (RV14) respectively and analyzed on a Spectrum Compact CE System with different injection times of 9, 15 and 25 seconds (I9, I15 and I25).
Now it gets serious: How does the PowerPlex® 18E System perform when testing real traces of skin flakes?
From a set of DNA samples, each isolated from single skin flakes of 26 to 38 year old cold cases, 33 samples were selected based on the results of the quantification routinely carried out after extraction with the ReadyAmp™ Genomic DNA Purification System (Promega, Madison, WI, USA) using the Quantifiler™ Trio DNA Quantification Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). DNA concentration of samples varied between 0.9 and 270.6 pg/µl (related to the small amplicon). Degradation index (DI: concentration of small amplicon divided by concentration of large amplicon [4]) provided values between 4.5 and 73.1. Profiles were generated from all samples using the PowerPlex® ESX 17 Fast, PowerPlex® ESI 17 Fast and PowerPlex® 18E Systems (each in a 14 µl reaction volume, using a 32-cycle PCR program and a DNA input of (if possible) 100pg DNA, alternatively maximum use of 10 µl DNA extract for all samples with lower DNA content). An overview of the allele recovery rate of the 99 profiles is given in Fig. 5. The overall allele recovery rate for profiles amplifies with the PowerPlex®18E System was 86 %, which corresponds to a significant increase (ANOVA analysis, significance level 0.05) in the profile quality in comparison to the PowerPlex® ESX 17 Fast as well as ESI 17 Fast Systems showing 64 % and 58 % respectively.
Figure 5: Allele recovery rate [%] of the 99 profiles of 33 samples (skin flakes with different DNA quality and quantity), amplified with three different PowerPlex® systems: PowerPlex® ESX 17 Fast (ESX), PowerPlex® ESI 17 Fast (ESI) and PowerPlex® 18E (18E).
Fig. 6 shows an example of a PowerPlex® 18E electropherogram of a sample with a low DNA quality and quantity (14 pg/µl based on the small amplicon, 0.5 pg/µl based on the larger amplicon, DI=28). Even if the profile shows unequal peak heights in some of the loci (D12S391, D19S433, D1S165 und SE33) and overall, a strong decrease of peak heights with increasing amplicon size, all expected 30 alleles (13 heterozygote Loci, 3 homozygote loci D16S539, TH01 and D22S1045 and a X-allele) of the females’ genotype were successfully detected (>100 rfu). In comparison, 23 and 18 alleles could be detected with PowerPlex® ESX 17 Fast and PowerPlex® ESI 17 Fast respectively. Due to the 32-cycle PCR program used, the occurrence of spikes, caused by the quality indicators or or very short amplicons of homozygous alleles, cannot be avoided completely.
Figure 6: PowerPlex® 18E System electropherogram of a 38 year old skin flake with a DNA concentration of 14 pg/µl (based on the small amplicon) and a DI of 28. Due to our in-house validation for low-copy number samples, PCR was performed using a 32-cycle program. All 30 alleles of the relevant person were successfully detected.
In addition, what about the SE33 locus?
The individuals, from whom the examined skin flakes came from, all show a heterozygous genotype in the SE33 locus. When amplified with the PowerPlex® 18E System, both alleles could be detected for 26 of the 33 samples. In addition, only one allele was detected for 3 additional samples, and no allele was detected for 4 samples. In comparison, with PowerPlex® ESX 17 Fast or PowerPlex® ESI 17 Fast Systems, the complete heterozygous genotype could only be detected for 6 (PowerPlex® ESX 17 Fast) or 3 (PowerPlex® ESI 17 Fast), one of the two possible allele in another 9 (PowerPlex® ESX 17 Fast) and 13 (PowerPlex® ESI 17 Fast) samples, and no allele at all in 18 (PowerPlex® ESX 17 Fast) or 17 (PowerPlex® ESI 17 Fast) of the 33 samples, respectively. An example is shown in Fig. 7. In this case, a sample with a DI of 18 and a DNA concentration of 9 pg/µl was amplified. Both alleles could be detected in the PowerPlex® 18E system and one of the two expected alleles in the PowerPlex® ESI 17 Fast System. Amplification with PowerPlex® ESX 17 Fast System, which has the largest amplicons for the SE33 locus, was negative.
Figure 7: Results in locus SE33 of a sample (skin flake: DI 18 and 9 pg/µl DNA concentration) amplified with three different PowerPlex® Systems: First image PowerPlex® ESX 17 Fast System (ESX), second image PowerPlex® ESI 17 Fast System (ESI) and third image PowerPlex® 18E System (18E).
The PowerPlex® 18E System does what it promises! Due to the overall significantly higher allele recovery rate, and the probability of better detection of the alleles in the SE33 locus, STR analysis with the PowerPlex® 18E is preferable to the use of PowerPlex® ESX 17 Fast or PowerPlex® ESI 17 Fast Systems for DNA analysis from processed skin flakes.
Birgit Bayer and Katja Anslinger
Institute for Forensic Medicine at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich, Germany
Birgit Bayer and Katja Anslinger have been working together in the DNA laboratory at the Institute for Forensic Medicine at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich for over 25 years. The development of methods for more effective processing of mixed traces has always been the focus of their scientific work. Whether laser microdissection, magnetic beads coupled to antibodies, DEPArray technology or the preparation of individual skin cells fromn adhesive tapes - many techniques for the targeted separation of small cell pools and even single cells or skin flakes have been validated for forensic purposes during this time.
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