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*Note – these dates are accurate as of the time of publishing. Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, these dates are subject to change. Please refer to event websites for further details.

American Society of Crime Lab Directors

Denver, CO, USA

2020 Date Postponed

California Association of Criminalists Spring Meeting

Santa Cruz, CA, USA 2020 Date Postponed

International Forensic Research Institute Symposium

Miami, FL, USA
June 2-4, 2020

ISFG French Speaking Working Group

Quebec, Canada
June 23-26, 2020

Association of Forensic DNA Analysts and Administrators

Houston, TX, USA
August 5-7, 2020

GHEP-ISFG Spanish Speaking Working Group Meeting

Cartagena, Colombia September 1-2, 2020

31st International Symposium on Human Identification

San Antonio, TX, USA
September 14-17, 2020

Midwest and Southern Associations of Forensic Scientists

Atlanta, GA, USA
September 14-18, 2020

Northwest Association of Forensic Scientists

Salt Lake City, UT, USA
September 22-25, 2020

Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists

Groton, CT, USA
October 14-17, 2020

California Association of Criminalists Fall Meeting

Los Angeles, CA, USA
October 25-31, 2020

Bode 2020

Tampa, FL, USA November 3-6, 2020

Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists

Newport News, VA, USA November 10-13, 2020

Latin American Meeting

Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA
November, 2020

Promega’s hitting the road with even more Power to Solve.

Please join us for presentations and discussions on the latest advances in STR analysis and the forensics workflow. The workshop will feature talks by leaders in the forensics community who will provide information and tips on maximizing success with challenging samples and improving laboratory efficiencies thru workflow enhancements. The presentations will also include customer experiences and insights from using Promega products.