SPRING 2025, VOLUME 11Profiles in DNAThe New Interactive and Informative Digital NewsletterStart ReadingLetter from the EditorEvaluation of the PowerPlex® 35GY System with Spectrum Compact CE on Complex Valparaíso SamplesNew Horizons in Forensic DNA Analysis: Promega Unveils PowerPlex® 18E and VersaPlex® 31P SystemsUpdate on Spectrum CE Control SoftwareWhat lies beyond our genes: Applications of methylation analysis in forensic geneticsNovel Promega Enzyme Tackles Biggest Challenge in DNA ForensicsAutomating and Simplifying the Forensic Sample Workflow with Maxprep® Liquid HandlerTips and Tricks for a Successful Lab Automation Validation Services to Support Collaborative Forensic DNA Analysis Worldwide The Story and Science Behind Our Kit Packaging Design Profile from Promega employee Ludmila BorgesMeetings and Conferences