Enhanced Compatibility: The Spectrum CE System Now Supports Promega 4-Color and Qiagen 5-Color STR Kits
Rita Weispfenning, Promega Corp.
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The Spectrum CE System has long been compatible with Promega’s and Applied Biosystems’ five- and six-color STR kits, as well as Promega’s eight-color STR kits. We are excited to announce an enhancement in the Spectrum Control Software (SCS) version 3.1.0, which now supports two additional dye sets. This update allows users to utilize Promega’s four-color STR kits, such as PowerPlex® 16 and 16HS System, and Qiagen’s five-color STR kits, expanding the system’s versatility. By simply installing two supplementary package files, Spectrum users can easily calibrate the system for these new dye sets, extending the instrument’s compatibility. This process involves a few straightforward steps to upload the dye sets into the instrument’s Protocol List.
Data Consistency Verified
A comparative study using Spectrum CE instruments and AB 3500/3500xL Genetic Analyzers has shown consistent results with both Promega’s four-color PowerPlex® 16 and 16HS kits and Qiagen’s five-color Investigator ESSplex SE QS kit. Figures 1 and 2 illustrate positive amplification controls from PowerPlex® 16HS and Qiagen Investigator ESSplex SE QS kits, respectively, separated using the Spectrum CE System.

Figure 1: PowerPlex® 16 HS System. A positive amplification control using 0.5ng of 2800M Control DNA was separated on a Spectrum CE System with the new four-color Promega dye set (2 kV, 15-second injection).

Figure 2: Qiagen Investigator ESSplex SE QS System. A positive amplification control using 0.5ng of 2800M Control DNA was separated on a Spectrum CE System with the new five-color Qiagen dye set (2 kV, 25-second injection).
*Future versions of the SCS software will include support for the Promega 4-Color and Qiagen 5-Color dye sets by default.
To access this functionality in SCS v3.1.0, users can contact the Promega Support Team at genetic@promega.com to request the necessary package files.
Importing a New Dye Set
- Obtain the package files and transfer them to the Spectrum CE System computer.
- On the Protocols screen, select ‘Import’.

3. Choose ‘Dyeset Package (*.package)’ from the dropdown menu.

4. Select the file for the desired dye set and click ‘Ok’.
The Spectrum CE System is equipped with advanced 8-dye technology. However, if your lab prefers to stick with the familiar 4-, 5- and 6-color kits that have already been validated, rest assured that you can continue using these products seamlessly. The Spectrum CE System is designed to accommodate your existing protocols while providing enhanced throughput and flexibility, ensuring a smooth integration into your laboratory workflows.