The Art of Naming – Deciphering Promega’s PowerPlex® STR System Nomenclature
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Promega Corporation has developed a unique and systematic approach to naming its Short Tandem Repeat (STR) systems. This article delves into the naming criteria of our PowerPlex® systems, providing insights into the rationale behind these nomenclatures.
PowerPlex® Systems
The PowerPlex® name has been in use since the mid 1990’s, when we introduced the GenePrint PowerPlex® 1.1 System, and serves as a nod to the power of the multiplexes to provide more information from your samples.
The naming of each PowerPlex® System adheres to several key criteria:
- Maintaining the ‘POWER’ in PowerPlex®: This emphasizes the brand’s identity and its significant presence in the forensic DNA field.
- Abbreviation for component labeling purposes: The names are designed to be easily abbreviated, facilitating their use in labelling and documentation.
- Differentiation between multiple 8-Color (8C) kits: Each name is distinct, allowing “easy” differentiation between various 8C kits. We use the numbering system to reflect the number of loci in each kit. For instance, the PowerPlex® 35GY System has 35 loci in total.
- Global accessibility: The names are chosen to be easily understood by laboratory personnel worldwide, reflecting the global reach of Promega’s products.
G = Global / Y = Y-STR / E = Europe
PowerPlex® 8-Color Systems: The Next Generation of PowerPlex® STR Systems
Promega has developed and launched several PowerPlex® 8-Color multiplexes, each tailored to specific regions or loci requirements. Each kit also includes two Quality Indicators to better interpret the quality of your STR results.
- PowerPlex® 35GY System: The first commercially available 8-color kit, this kit features 35 loci (23 autosomal and 11 YSTR loci), plus Amelogenin for sex determination, and is designed for use in laboratories across the globe.
- PowerPlex® 18E System: This multiplex contains all the ENFSI recommended loci. The use of 8 colors enables 15 autosomal STR loci to be present as amplicons under 250bp, making it ideal for use with degraded samples often seen in missing persons cases or mass disasters. Another key advantage is that this kit has the smallest SE33 locus of any commercially available STR kit.
- PowerPlex® 27GY System: The first 8-color STR multiplex designed specifically for CODIS forensic laboratories, with all loci smaller than 400bp, providing best results for challenging samples.
By understanding the naming criteria, users can more easily select the appropriate kit for their forensic genetic analysis needs. This systematic approach not only streamlines the selection process but also underscores Promega’s role as a global leader in the forensic science arena.
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