PowerPlex® 18E System for STR Analysis of Challenging Samples
Heather L. Hodges1, Michael Lauck1, Dawn Rabbach1, Karthika Divakaran1, Rachel Knoener1, Stephen L. McDaniel1, Carolyn R. Steffen2, Peter M. Vallone2, Robert S. McLaren1 1 Promega Corporation, 2800 Woods Hollow Rd, Fitchburg, WI 53711 2 National Institute of Standards and Technology, Applied Genetics Group, Gaithersburg, MD USA 20899
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At this year’s International Symposium on Human Identification, Heather Hodges, an R&D scientist with Promega presented the soon-to-be launched PowerPlex® 18E System. This multiplex, designed for human identification applications, is an 18-locus system that contains all ENFSI-recommended loci as well as Amelogenin and DYS391 for sex determination. Utilizing the additional dye channels, enables an improved multiplex configuration where 15 autosomal STR loci are present as amplicons under 250bp. In fact, the SE33 is the smallest of any current STR chemistry currently on the market.
PowerPlex® 18E System Layout meets the ENFSI recommendations for DNA profile sharing across Europe QIS: Quality Indicator Small, QIL: Quality Indicator Large, A: Amelogenin
In her poster presentation, she shared details results from analyses run with both extracted DNA and a buccal FTA® punch sample, which was done at half-volume reaction. Near complete profiles were obtained across a wide range of DNA concentrations. Improved performance with both inhibited and degraded samples are also possible with the PowerPlex® 18E System.
Electrophoresis performed on the Spectrum CE System. Data analyzed using GeneMarker® HID Software for Spectrum CE Systems. Left: Extracted DNA – PowerPlex® 18E profile of 0.5ng 2800M Control DNA in a 25μL reaction. Right: Direkt Amplifikation – PowerPlex® 18E profile of a 1.2mm buccal FTA® punch in a 12.5μL reaction.
Also included in the poster were concordance results provided by the team at NIST. Their concordance testing found 99.7% concordance with a NIST US population data set (665 individuals). Out of 23,450 alleles, 7 discordant allele calls were observed, all of them in SE33. Additionally, they observed that the PowerPlex® 18E System in concordant with PowerPlex® 35GY System and NGS data as well as to the actual numbers of repeats present.