Spectrum Control Software, v3.2.0
Justin Axsom (Sr. Software Engineer), Ben Krenke (Sr. Global Product Manager), Lisa Misner (GI Training & Technical Support Manager), and Maggie Palka (Instrumentation Scientist), Promega Corporation
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With updates to the Spectrum CE System (Cat. #CE1008) and a desire to improve the user experience, updates are needed for the Spectrum Control Software (SCS) that operates the instrument. We are happy to highlight the biggest changes in SCS v3.2.0, which is being released in the first quarter of 2025. The updated SCS v3.2.0 file, installation instructions, and a list of changes can be found on the download page of www.promega.com. Additionally, the Spectrum CE System Operator Manual (Lit. #TMD052; revised 1/25) is being simultaneously updated to reflect the new SCS v3.2.0 and can be downloaded from the Resources section of www.promega.com.
These software changes enhance the system’s usability, reliability, and consistency. Importantly, none of these changes impact data analysis or algorithms. Consequently, a revalidation of current usage or interpretation is not necessary.
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Usability Improvements
Polymer4 and Wash Solution Conversion from Pouch to Bottle The Spectrum CE System transitioned the product format for both polymer and wash from pouch to bottle (Figure 1). The bottle storage format for polymer improved longevity of polymer and arrays compared to pouches. To match this physical change in consumable format, the on-screen Wizard instructions (text and images) for changing consumables have been updated in SCS v3.2.0 to reflect the bottles for Polymer4 and Wash Solution (Figure 2).

Figure 1: Spectrum CE System with consumable bottle

Figure 2: Wizard update with consumable bottle
Expanded Dye Set Support The previous version of SCS had limited ability to extend the usable dye sets and required additional support files from Promega. Spectrum Control Software v3.2.0 has added default calibration options for 4-dye Promega kits, generic 4-dye kits (“Other”), 5-dye and 6-dye Qiagen kits, and generic 8-dye kits (Figure 3).
Improved Handling of Current Errors
The Spectrum Control Software v3.2.0 will automatically reinject a column of samples that experience a current error (not applicable to Calibrations). A current error is most commonly the result of a bubble in the fluidics. As part of this automatic reinjection process, a bubble purge will be performed before the reinjection. Previous versions of SCS would automatically skip to the next column of samples when a current error was observed. This would require the user to manually add a reinjection of the column associated with the error, if reanalysis was desired.

Figure 3: Expand calibration options
Calibration Flexibility
The calibration process will now allow calibration from any column of a 96-well plate (Figure 4). This will allow a single physical plate to hold different dye sets in each column. Additionally, SCS v3.2.0 introduces the ability to provide a new name for a passing calibration, offering greater customization and traceability. However, the system will still require the user to manually initiate the calibration of each dye set. Additional flexibility for calibration is expected in a future release.

Figure 4: Selecting the column to use for calibration
Array Installation and Initial Calibration Improvement
The underlying workflow of the capillary replacement process was improved in SCS v3.2.0. Coupled with recent improvements to septa mats for sample plates (Septa Mat, 96-Well; Cat. #CE2696) and the cathode buffer (Spectrum Cathode Septa Mat; Cat. #CE2002), these changes have shown a small increase in consistency of calibration and sample injection.
Improved System Support
Diagnostics and Support
The system enhances usability and diagnostic capabilities by automatically generating light scatter images at system startup and after laser alignment (Figure 5). Additionally, a performance data export feature simplifies data sharing by exporting a compressed folder containing calibration reports, service reports, and light scatter images. This comprehensive package can be used for streamlined troubleshooting and support. Lastly, the software has been updated to the .NET 4.8 framework, enhancing both security and supportability.
Bug Fixes
Several minor bug fixes and system checks were implemented to improve system operability. Minor updates to log messages, error messages, and underlying text have also been made to increase clarity and accuracy of descriptions.

Figure 5: Light scatter image
The update of the Spectrum Control Software, v3.2.0 offers improvements in usability and support for Spectrum CE System users. These changes are designed to provide users with a more efficient, reliable and enjoyable user experience. As we continue to refine the Spectrum CE System, we remain committed to meeting the needs of our users in the use of capillary electrophoresis for DNA typing.
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