Ann MacPhetridge | Senior Global Commercialization Marketing Manager
Dear Scientist,
I love this time of year…where the Earth is renewing itself in Springtime in the Northern Hemisphere and in Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere…whether it is patchworks of color in fields of wildflowers or forest creatures preparing for winter, the seasons remind me that nothing stays the same, and that change is a good, and rejuvenating opportunity for growth.
Speaking of colors…Promega recently launched the very first 8-dye STR multiplex in the forensic field: the PowerPlex® 35GY System. Find out how this kit can help labs get more information from the most difficult samples. Be sure to read about the Developmental Validation of the Spectrum CE instrument, the only CE instrument in the market that analyses up to 8 colors.
Additionally, you will find a short introduction on our next 8-dye kit, PowerPlex® 18E System which meets the ENFSI recommendations for DNA profile sharing across Europe. All of the loci are under 350bp in size, and Quality Sensors are included to aid in data interpretation.
The article on the PowerSeq® Whole Mito System demonstrates how this MPS system enables analysis of the entire human mitochondrial genome in degraded samples such as those recovered in missing persons cases and ancient DNA.
We’ve launched a new section in Profiles in DNA for younger scientists. We’re excited to be able to showcase several resources for you to help you navigate this unique "season" in your career.
Also enjoy the profile of Benjamin Krenke, the Senior Global Product Manager for Spectrum CE System and lastly, get an overview on the forensic meetings that are taking place in your area! It is so good to be able to see you in person again!
Until then – wishing you continued success in your work,
“To the attentive eye, each moment of the year has its own beauty, and in the same field, it beholds, every hour, a picture which was never seen before, and which shall never be seen again.” Ralph Waldo Emerson