The ISHI Report
Letter from the Editor
Warm and sunny greetings from Madison, Wisconsin.
As summer winds down we are happy to share the latest edition of the ISHI Report, featuring contributions from guest authors representing diverse areas of the forensic science community.
Vanessa Lynch, the founder of DNAforAfrica provides an update on the use of advocacy outreach and forensic expertise to aid the development of DNA databases and casework programs throughout Africa.
Tiffany Roy provides advice for forensic scientists called to give courtroom testimony. She recommends defining terms that will be referenced in testimony to reduce the confusion that often arises when presenting DNA results to a lay audience.
Rachel Oefelein, Chief Scientific Officer at DNA Labs International shares helpful hints learned from moving to new laboratory facilities in just a few days. One key takeaway- having a well-developed plan is essential for a successful transition.
Jordan Nutting explores the epidemic of missing and murdered indigenous women plaguing native communities. She interviews advocates working on the issue and explores the factors complicating the quest for justice.
We were overjoyed to see so many of you interested in taking part of our first Threesis academic challenge, and were very impressed with the work that's being done by young professionals in the forensic community. All told, 11 video entries were submitted, which received a total of 7,500+ views and 1310 “likes/votes” as of the competition end date of July 31st. You can view all of the entries on page 7 of this issue. We are excited to bring new offerings to students, including a student reception at ISHI in the evening on Sunday, October 31st. More details will be made available on our website soon.
Finally, Ronaldo Carneiro da Silva Jr and colleagues describe the unprecedented efforts involved in processing samples to close a huge robbery case in Brazil. Once again, we see the power and promise of DNA typing technologies to identify criminals who might have gone unpunished only years ago.
We hope you enjoy this edition of the ISHI Report. If you would like to mix and mingle with the scientists behind the articles consider attending this year’s International Symposium on Human Identification in National Harbor, Maryland, just outside of Washington DC. Besides the informative talks and workshops, this year’s conference has an abundance of fun networking functions starting with the Welcome Reception and culminating in an evening event at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum.
You can get to know some of our speakers a little better later on in this magazine, and can see all the program details and register to attend at
The Editorial Board